The campaign recognises that:
- Children should feel welcomed where they live and feel part of their communities.
- Parents want their children to be able to play outside.
- Public space should be designed and managed with children's play in mind.
- Children and young people need to be involved in planning the places and spaces where they play.
Each year the campaign has a theme and this year it is Playful Places. With these aims in mind and because Kindergarten at school are currently doing a unit on 'building', I thought it would be good to collect together books that would help the students plan their own playgrounds. Starting with the Oxfam book Come and Play With Us which looks at children playing all over the world, students could list some of the things they think are important for play.
Next compare the type of play in Noella Young's Keep Out or Tess Brady's Nobody's Granny and that in Playground Day by Jennifer Merz to look at how play has changed for children today from impromptu child-constructed outdoor games and cubby building to organised playgrounds.

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