Thursday, January 14, 2021

15th January New School Year List 1: Rule Setting

I'm finding it hard to comprehend that I am going back to school next week. Where did the break go? Between lock down for me or friends and family I feel like I have seen no one and done nothing much except read and watch television. Oh woe is me.

I have been putting together lists of picture books for my classroom teachers to use as they begin a new year with a new class. I get lots of requests for books at the beginning of the year on friends; rule setting;  goals; separation, etc and usually the requests are on the run and I miss things that I later wish I'd supplied them with. So this year a list of suggestions for some situations. 

Today I thought I would do 'rule setting'. Child development suggests routines and rules are beneficial for children. Rules help children feel safe. Rules say, “Someone cares about me.” Rules mean, “I know what to expect.”  Here’s a dozen books to help start a discussion with your class. Of course this is not a definitive list but these books are in our school library and suitable for students 5 to 8 years old.

1. You Must Bring a Hat by Simon Philip & Kate Hindley

2. Rules of the House by Mac Barnett & Matt Myers



4. A Visitor For Bear by Bonny Becker & Kady MacDonald Denton

5. Officer Buckle and Gloria by Peggy Rathman


6. Rufus Goes to School by Kim T. Griswell & Valeri Gorbachev


7. Maurice the Unbeastly by Amy Dixon & Karl James Mountford

8. The Station Mouse by Meg McLaren

Noodlephant by Jacob Kramer & K-Fai Steele


10. David Goes to School by David Shannon

11. Do Unto Otters by Laurie Keller



12. What If Everybody Did That? By Ellen Javernick & Colleen Madden

1 comment:

  1. What a terrific idea and a terrific list. You will be so glad you are ready when those busy (lucky) teachers drop in for books to share during those early days with their new classes.
