Friday, October 7, 2022

16th October World Food Day


World Food Day is celebrated annually on 16th October to promote global awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and to highlight the need to ensure healthy diets for all.

2022 finds us with an ongoing pandemic, conflict, a climate that won’t stop warming, rising prices and international tensions. This is affecting global food security. 

We need to build a sustainable world where everyone, everywhere has regular access to enough nutritious food.

The concept of hunger is not something that the children I teach have ever encountered. They are fussy eaters, used to eating only food they choose to eat, so choosing to read books about hunger and food are not high on their list of things to read. So what would I share with them?

I think I would start with a general discussion about food and if access to food is not a problem what it means to the students.

These two books are perfect for very young students to start a discussion about where their food comes from.

Then I might look at how food is similar, but different depending upon where you live. We all like different food, but everybody needs to eat! How are we alike and different? 

Should we be so fussy about what we eat? These two books encourage children to think differently about food.

And lastly, given the fact that the school recycles and sorts the garbage, has rubbish free Wednesdays and Crunch and Sip, this is appropriate.

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