Thursday, September 19, 2024

20th September Tradies Day

Every year, on the third Friday of September (This year it’s on the 20th), we celebrate National Tradies Day here in Australia. Tradies is a shortened form of the word tradesmen. And it is good to see that now it isn't only men, but women too, so tradies is a much more inclusive word. 

So, can we celebrate tradies with picture books? Of course we can.

My great nephew constantly wants to be like his father, a builder, even down to dressing like him. On Dress Up Day for Book Week at his preschool he dressed in high vis and boots, a hard hat and went off to school grasping his favourite book, Tiny Tradies  by Tami Sussman and Tom Jellett which I gave him as a birthday present. I got photos which really made me smile.

It is quite easy to find books about builders, but plumbers, electricians, mechanics, tilers, plasterers and others are harder to find.

My nephew and the preschoolers I teach also enjoy any of the books from Sally Sutton 

and Sherri Duskey Rinker

Look for books like these as well.

and of course also explore the nonfiction section of your library.

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