Tuesday, October 8, 2024

11th October World Egg Day

This year’s World Egg Day theme ‘United by eggs’ celebrates how the incredible egg can connect and unite people from all corners of the globe.

Eggs can be found in cuisines across our planet’s cultures and countries, showcasing their universal appeal and essential role in global nutrition.

As well as being an environmentally friendly animal protein source and their abundance of nutritional benefits, eggs have the power to bring people together. They can play a crucial role in fostering cross cultural understanding and promoting solidarity within communities across the world.

On this website there are key messages about eggs, most of which I knew, but this one made me sit up and take notice:

• Choosing eggs helps contribute to a healthier planet for all of us. Eggs require few resources and produce few greenhouse gas emissions.

There are so many wonderful books about eggs, but often the egg is chocolate, green or golden, or falls off a wall and is not a 'real egg' at all. The  books featured here treat eggs as food. Start with this beauty:

Then explore other books which show children various views of chickens and eggs before the eggs become food.

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