Thursday, June 30, 2022

4th July World Firefly Day

Scientists have carried out extensive studies on fireflies. Some have been relating to their unique feature of emitting energy in the form of light, while other studies revolve around the deteriorating population of fireflies. In 2022, the theme of the event is 'Watch Us, Don't Catch Us'. This is done to raise awareness about the depletion of the firefly population. Like other natural resources, the firefly can become extinct too. The event can be celebrated by taking care of fireflies, watching and admiring their beauty from afar, and building a better environment to sustain a firefly's life in the future.

There are more than 2,000 described species of Lampyridae fireflies, 25 of which are found in Australia. The fireflies, which are actually bioluminescent beetles,  inhabit the forests and mangroves of coastal New South Wales, Queensland, and the Northern Territory. The sole firefly species in the Sydney area is the Blue Mountains firefly (Atyphella lychnus). Not a lot of people are aware this country has fireflies, let alone two dozen different species, because they’re not in places commonly seen by the public and they are normally seen for only a short period during spring and summer.

We mightn't see real fireflies very often, but we certainly can read about them in books.

The library has these:

The Very Lonely Firefly by Eric Carle

Sam and the Firefly  by P.D. Eastman

Fireflies!  by Julie Brinckloe

 • Fireflies in the Night  by Judy Hawes & Ellen Alexander

Daddies Are for Catching Fireflies  by Harriet Ziefert and Cynthia Jabar

Firefly Home  by Jane Clarke and Britta Teckentrup

Follow the Firefly  by Bernardo Carvalho

Among a Thousand Fireflies  by Helen Frost and Rick Lieder

Fly Firefly!  by Shana Keller and Ramona Kaulitzki

How the Firefly Got Its Light  by Pradyumna Kumar and Urvashi Butalia

Good Night Firefly by Gabriel Alboroza

Leo the Lightning Bug by Eric Drachman and James Muscarello

Light the Sky, Firefly! by Sheri Bestor and Jonny Lambert

Others slightly off topic, but worth a look at or put out as part of a display

Glowing with Electricity: Science Adventures with Glenda the Origami Firefly by Thomas Kingsley Troupe and James Robert Christoph

Firefly July: A Year of Very Short Poems  by Paul B.Janeczko and Melissa Sweet 

1 comment:

  1. I had NO idea we had fireflies too! One of my first books ever was Sam and the Fireflies. They fascinate me.
