Tuesday, September 17, 2019

18th September Kindness

World Kindness Day is celebrated on the 13th November and there has always been sufficient picture books to cater for each of the thirteen classrooms in my school, but lately every time I step into a bookshop I see another book on 'kindness' and they are not just picture books with kindness as a theme they are much more overt. The word 'kind' or 'kindness' is in the title of the book. Part of me thinks that it is sad that as teachers we are being asked to explicitly teach kindness when it was something that just 'was' and it was taught at home. Nevertheless it has become part of the social skills curriculum and if students do not understand what being kind means, then true empathy will be even harder to teach. One of the teachers at my school suggested I purchase You, Me and Empathy by  Jayneen Sanders for the library and she has been working on kindness with her students.

Along with the many books we have already, here is what has come onto the market recently (and I'm sure I will have missed some) which will supplement that collection.
Be Kind  by Pat Zietlow Miller and Jen Hill
I Walk With Vanessa by Kerascoet
Kind by Alison Green
Be Kind: You can make the world a happier place! by Naomi Shulman and Hsingpin Pan
Be Kind! by Stephanie Clarkson and Katie Abey
• Kindness Makes Us Strong by Sophie Beer
Kindness Grows by Britta Teckentrup
• The Kindness Book by Todd Parr
Superbuns! Kindness is her Superpower by Diane Kredensor
A World of Kindness illustrated by Suzanne Del Rizzo et al.

PS I think you can read between the lines here and ascertain what I think about 'message' books, but just in case you need some more on this topic read this.


  1. Thanks for this wonderful post. It makes me sad when I see people who are unkind so perhaps it is something we need to 'teach'. You have highlighted some excellent books.

  2. I prefer the ones that are not so overt. My favorite might be The Lion and the Little Red Bird by Elisa Kleven. The bird pulls a thorn out of the lion's paw; the lion shelters the bird during a storm.
