Saturday, November 12, 2022

13th November World Kindness Day

Is kindness your superpower? Should it be? Kindness continues to be a much-discussed topic in classrooms, at assembly and staff meetings... I find this difficult to comprehend and continue to buy resources to help with this. There are so many books to choose from and our shelf in the non-fiction is 'groaning' so we need to move some other books to make space. Here's some of the newer additions.

When one act of kindness sparks another, anything is possible! As a girl searches for her lost dog, a simple act of generosity ripples into a wave of good deeds. In the course of a single day, each considerate action weaves lives together and transforms a neighbourhood for the better.

Being kind is super important, but it isn't always easy. Using a goodhearted, enthusiastic little boy's perspective, a lot of sensitivity and a little gentle humour, this story explores the potential pitfalls of trying to be kind, and what being kind really means. To be truly kind, it turns out, you have to try to look at things from other people's points of view. 

Meet kids - just like you - whose small acts of kindness are changing the lives of others. Learn about the work they do and discover how the future of our world starts here... with you. 

Kindness comes in all shapes and sizes and in this uplifting and inspiring book, it starts out as a dot and morphs into all sorts of different forms as it spreads joy wherever it goes. The power of kindness is explored in a distinctive and deceptively simple way as we witness kindness overcoming anger and sadness.  

Spread loving kindness wherever you go! Lyrical and poignant, Loving Kindness encourages us to be kind to ourselves, to others, and to the world we live in. It celebrates kindness, compassion, and the connection shared by every living thing on earth. We all live under the same sun, we all breathe the same air, and touch the same earth that connects us all. 

Featuring a cheerful rhyming text that guides readers through all the ways to be kind, Tomorrow I'll Be Kind is the perfect book for celebrating compassion, humanity and generosity. This uplifting book is a reminder to all readers, young and old, that the smallest kind gesture can make the biggest difference.

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