Tuesday, July 9, 2024

11th July World Population Day

 “For humanity to progress, people must be counted, wherever they are and whoever they are – in all their diversity,” Dr. Natalia Kanem, Executive Director of UNFPA, has said. “To end inequality, to find and grow peace and prosperity, to weave more threads of hope, the world needs to do more for inclusion.”

To that end, as we mark World Population Day this year, the importance of collecting inclusive data – counting everyone, everywhere, as they are – takes the spotlight. 

In an increasingly unpredictable world – with rapid population growth in some places, rapid ageing in others, and climate change, conflict and crises everywhere – reliable population data are more important than ever, and must be used to reach and respond to the needs of those who have been left behind.

“To realize the rights and choices of those pushed to the margins of our societies, we have to count them – because everyone counts,” Dr. Kanem has said. “Our rich human tapestry is only as strong as the weakest thread. When data and other systems work for those on the margins, they work for everyone. This is how we accelerate progress for all."

Exploring the population of the world is not something done with books, as when the book is published the statistics in it will be out of date. However the effects of overpopulation, underpopulation and spread of population may be.

It is a 'big concept' for the children I teach because of their age and the size of the numbers involved, but it can be done on a small scale using the internet to ascertain population numbers and books such as these as discussion starters.

It might also be a good time to relook at the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

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