Thursday, July 11, 2024

13th July International Skinny Dipping Day 14th July National Nude Day

At the moment, it is a bit cold where I live in Australia to be out without clothes, but it is summer in the northern hemisphere, so there, there is the chance to get the sun all over!

International Skinny Dipping Day is the second Saturday in July. A day to experience the freedom of a dip in cold water without clothes.

National Nude Day is on the 14th July, a day for nudists to celebrate the freedom and wonder of a naked body.

I won't be derobing for anyone, but what a good opportunity to read some of the picture books where  children can giggle about being nude. See my blog from last year.

If you want to discuss when it is okay to be nude, this book, The Bunny Who Wanted to be Naked  by Vern Kousky makes for interesting comments from children.

Similarly this book discusses a question I am often asked by students Why is Art Full of Nude People?  by Susie Hodge.

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