Thursday, June 20, 2024

23rd June Pink Flamingo Day

The first Pink Flamingo Day was declared in 2007 to honour the plastic lawn flamingo and its creator, Don Featherstone. 

Australian author Andy Geppert even included this lawn flamingo in his book Backyard Birdies.

While today, none of the species of flamingos are endangered, large populations that call the Rift Valley of Africa home, are rapidly shrinking and facing growing challenges. All species are facing shrinking habitats due to human encroachment and climate change. Read about these boards in a nonfiction book such as these:

And this one is coming and if it is like Abi Cushman's Wombats are Pretty Weird it will be lots of fun.

I haven't seen this book, and it is not really about flamingos but it fits in to any science unit on materials so I need to look for it.

I have written about flamingos before on this blog, but many new books featuring flamingos have arrived in the library since then.

There's also two beginning chapter book series that are popular:

Hotel Flamingo  by Alex Milway   and

Fabio the World's Greatest Flamingo Detective  by Laura James

And this title is one of the books from the Armadillo and Hare  series by Jeremy Strong.

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