Monday, July 10, 2023

14th July National Nude day

National Nude Day is an annual observance marked on July 14th every year. Although the day is trendy in the US, National Nude Day can be observed by anyone across the globe. 

Celebrate National Nude Day on July 14 by embracing your body and showing it some love! This holiday was created in the late 1990s to promote positive body image and self-love.The origin and history of the National Nude Day are unknown but it is believed that the day began  because of  All Black footballer, Marc Ellis  in New Zealand.

Today we can celebrate nudeness, nakedness, being in the nuddy, running free in all our original raw beauty, putting on our best birthday suit. See all those words for saying you have no clothes on. With the children I teach, discussions about being nude can go two ways. Some children let you know very quickly that you shouldn't be naked and it's rude. These are the children that are very loud and outspoken when we read The Emperor's New Clothes; Mr Archimedes' Bath or Mr McGee and the Biting Flea. Others don't even think it immodest to flash their undies or wee in the garden. It has a lot to do with parenting and there does need to be some happy medium as a school is a communal place. Our bodies should be part of a normal life, especially as there will need to be discussions at school about, health, safety, consent and what is expected.

When Kathy Stinson first published her book The Bare Naked Book in 1986 it was immediately popular and lasted on the shelves for a long time even having a 20 year anniversary edition, but now it has a new iteration. The text has been updated to reflect current understandings of gender and inclusion, which are also showcased in the brand-new, vibrant illustrations by Melissa Cho. It features a note from Kathy Stinson explaining the history of the book and the importance of this updated edition. 

We have a few books in the library so that parents and teachers, especially the preschool staff can initiate discussion.

Naked! by Michael Ian Black and Debbie Ridpath Ohi is about a small boy who shuns clothes.

Rudie Nudie by Emma Quay is a fun rhyming bath time story which makes every one smile.

Nuddy Ned by Kes Gray and Garry Parsons.  Ned is running riot - in the nuddy! What should you do?

Fred Gets Dressed by Peter Brown. Fred loves to be naked! He romps around his house naked and wild and free. Until he romps into his parents' bedroom and is inspired, finally, to get dressed. But there's so much in the wardrobe! What will Fred choose? 

Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed  by Mo Willems. Naked mole rats are meant to be nude. Wilbur is different. He likes to wear clothes. The other naked mole rats are scandalised! Up in arms (not a sleeve in sight), they go to Grand-pah, the oldest, wisest and most naked naked mole rat, in the hope that he will restore Wilbur to sense - and nakedness. But Grand-pah's response surprises everyone... 

And a good one for families at home who need some help with thinking nudity is not rude

It Isn't Rude to be Nude by Rosie Caine

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