Saturday, May 11, 2024

11th May Babysitter's Day

Today we  get to acknowledge the people who offer the essential service of caring for our children on Babysitter Day, which happens every Saturday before Mother’s Day. Babysitters, nannies, or au pairs have been in business since the 19th century when it was suggested that the word “sit”, in this context, originated from hens caring for the eggs by “sitting” on them. 

Early in my teaching career I remember Richard Tulloch coming to visit our school. He was hugely entertaining and such a good storyteller. One of his stories at the time was Being Bad for the Babysitter. The students loved it and often  wrote their own versions of this story with them doing awful things to the babysitter.

Nearly every childhood series of picture books has a version highlighting babysitting. See:

Franklin and the Babysitter

• Arthur Babysits 

Llama Llama Meets the Babysitter

• Fancy Nancy and the Sensational Babysitter

Little Owl's Babysitter

Max and Ruby and the Babysitting Squad

• Peppa Pig Babysitting

Clarice Bean Guess Who's Babysitting?

Owl Diaries Eva and Baby Mo 

Pinkalicious and the Babysitter

Mrs Noodlekluger

Heidi Heckelbeck is the Bestest Babysitter!

Ivy and Bean Take Care of the Babysitter

My favourite babysitting book from a series though has to be this one - An Evening at Alfie's when Alfie and Annie Rose are being babysat by neighbour, Maureen and the house leaks during a downpour.

Here's some stand alones:

• Jake and the Babysitter by Simon James

• That Bear Can't Babysit by Ruth Quayle

Don't Eat the Babysitter by Nick Ward

• Pirates Don't Babysit by Melinda Long

Go to Sleep or I Let Loose the Leopard  by Steve Cole

Don't Forget to Come Back! by Robie Harris & Harry Bliss

And the ultimate babysitter? Mary Poppins

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