Friday, May 24, 2024

29th May Snail Day

Snail Day seems to be held on several dates. Today is National Snail Day in the USA. The International Land Snail Day is on the 7th November. Snail Appreciation Day is the 25th October. Escargot Day is the 24th May and it's Slug Day on the 19th of March.

Every type of organism deserves our respect, especially those who were already ancient before the dinosaurs first arrived on the scene. Since snails are often found in cool, moist environments, many of these species will face increased pressures in the coming decades due to climate change.

Did you know that the humble land snail has the highest number of extinct species of any group worldwide? 

These tiny, slow-moving creatures that so many of us take for granted are highly susceptible to factors such as invasive predators, habitat loss and climate change. 

They’re incredibly important parts of the ecosystem, playing a crucial role in forest decomposition and their shells also act as a source of calcium for their predators. 

Snails may be incredibly slow moving, but any book about snails leaves the library very quickly. Small children seem fascinated by them. New titles with snails as the main characters continue to be published. Here's some to look for:

And if you want more see this Pinterest page.

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