Saturday, May 11, 2024

12th May Mother's Day

It's Mother's Day! Of course we've had all the books about mothers out on display for the last two weeks and all but two books have been borrowed! But, something very touching happened on Thursday when I had the four kindergarten classes in the library. A girl came up to me and said 'all the books have only got one child in them'. I soon realised that what she meant was that her mum had two children and she wanted a book where there were two children to take home and preferably two girls like her family. On a quick perusal, I found she was right, most books were about a mother and a child. I needed to think quickly.

Straight away I thought of these... 

You're All My Favourites by Sam McBratney and Anita Jeram. It was out.

Mummy's Special Day by  Frances Stickley and Carolina Rabei. It was out.

• Five Minutes' Peace  by Jill Murphy. It was out.

How to Raise a Mum  by Jean Reagan and Lee Wildish. It was out.

Tucking Mummy In  by Morag Loh. It was in and she was happy to borrow it. Dilemma averted, but it made me think about what we had and so many of the books are about a single child who is doing something with his or her mother. Food for thought. Obviously, I need to broaden the offerings for mother's day for those students who are deeper thinkers or want to connect it to their family!

And if you are lucky you might find a copy of this old but lovely cumulative tale We're Making Breakfast for Mother  by Shirley Neitzel and Nancy Winslow Parker where two children are making breakfast in bed for their unsuspecting mother. Nothing goes quite as intended, of course.

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